I'm so Far Behind

I can't believe that I haven't made a post in so many months but be sure to read this post and the one right after this (I actually wrote it months ago and just now published it)! I know you're all anxious for photos so here's a quick update on us ---
Lucas lost his first front tooth last night and his second front tooth is ready to come out too. He looks like such a big boy and yet so funny too! Kids just crack me up when they have those front teeth missing. Lucas' baseball season is over but he had a lot of fun. He just needs to focus when in the outfield (he's always the one catching butterflies or waving at mom). His kindergarden year is coming to an end and he's excited about summer.
Austin -- what can I say except that he's crazy as ever and still hates school. He is such a smart boy but truly hates leaving the house to go to school. He had his fourth birthday at the bowling alley and had a great time.
Kyle is growing so fast and is the sweetest boy you'll ever meet. He tries to keep up with his brothers and copies everything they do (good and bad). He's talking a lot and can hold his own with his brothers. Yesterday he and Lucas were in a shoving match and Kyle didn't back down!
Paul and I have been busy with work as always so nothing new to report on that front. Hope all is well with everyone!
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