Halloween Fun
This year Kyle was a fireman, Austin a Clone Trooper and Lucas was Darth Vadar. They had a great time trick-o-treating of course got a ton of candy. They are all doing good in school (Kyle will start preschool in Jan since he is potty trained now!). Austin loves kindergarten and Lucas loves his second grade teacher. Nothing new with us -- just working and getting ready for the holidays. I think everyone knows we were evacuated and I posted a picture of the fire near our house although it was a lot worse by the time we actually left. Austin said it smelled like Vanessa and Michele's house where we go for "smores parties" and Lucas nearly slept through the whole thing and I couldn't get him out of bed. Kyle is always ready for a good time -- fire means he is going to grandma's house! Thanks Uncle Bobby for the Halloween cookies -- the kids loved them and the witch cookies caused some tears and a little pushing and shoving (you know, 3 kids and 2 witch cookies equals someone is not happy!)
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