A Merry Xmas!

We hope you all had a terrific holiday! Ours was great and the kids kept us very busy! We started off by going to Knotts Berry Farm for their annual Toys for Tots drive and the kids had so much fun (even Kyle!). We also rode the Christmas train at Irvine Park which we do every year except this year all of Orange County seemed to know about it and there was a 2 hour wait. It was well worth it though since we FINALLY got Austin to sit on Santa's lap! We also made tamales this year with Paul's cousin Vanessa and they really turned out good. I think we made about 14 dozen. Christmas morning was very exciting for the kids and we all sat around waiting for Austin to wake up. I think he finally came downstairs around 9:30 or 10 and he was the most fun to watch open presents. Austin squealed when he opened his talking Darth Vadar, Lucas got another train (we only have 6 or 8 train sets now!) and Kyle just tried to keep up with the big boys.
Happy New Year!