Lucas Turns 6!!!!

Lucas had such a great 6th birthday and it was practically a week of celebrations. My mom had a family party for him and we made homemade pizza. I put the trick candles on his cake and if you know Lucas, he is ALL about tradition and routine so when the candles relit themselves, he tried to go with it but he was not amused! He had cupcakes at school with his friends on his birthday and Zonia bought him a cake that same day to celebrate with his friends at the park -- like he really wasn't celebrating enough! My dad flew in to spend time with the kids and go to Lucas' birthday party at Pump it Up (they have the giant inflatable jumpers indoors). Everyone had a good time (all 23 kids and 15 or so adults) and we got my mom, dad and Zonia to come down the giant slide with Kyle. Enjoy the pictures and we hope everyone is doing fine!