First Grade, First Grade

Lucas started first grade this week and so far he loves it. He makes friends easily and he's such a social butterfly that he really has no problems adjusting. We really like his teacher and I think he's going to have a great year. We have all been cry babies this week though -- I cried when Lucas started his first day (it's so much different than kindergarten because this is the real thing!); Lucas cried because there was some confusion on where to pick him up after school and he got lost; Austin cried because he hates school and Kyle cried because he wants to go to school.
Austin will officially start pre-K next week and he totally lucked out by getting his preschool teacher who he adores. Poor Kyle just pretends that he's going to school and hates to see us all leave in the a.m. We'll have to sign him up for a gym class.
Otherwise, we're all doing well and are sad that summer is soon over!
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