It's Been Awhile

The boys are doing great and we're all ready for school to be out for the year! Lucas turned 8 in January and Austin just turned 6 -- time flys. Kyle is 3 going on 16 -- he thinks he is so cool and you never know what is going to come out of his mouth. He definitely keeps up with his brothers and the other neighborhood boys. He also started preschool in January and likes it so far.
Lucas and Austin are both in baseball and doing well. Austin recently hit a home run and got the game ball (although his fielding skills are still TBD). Lucas has turned into a great little ball player and it's defnitely fun watching his games -- he's great in the field and is one of the top batters on his team.
The picture of Lucas in a suit was for a recent school project where he had to give an oral presentation on Henry Ford and dress up like him too. He looks so handsome!
Take care!
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