Race Cars, Sharks and Snow!

We have been pretty busy these past couple of months. My dad came to visit us in February and took us to the pro stock and funny car races. The boys loved it but it was super loud. Austin wanted to go home early and Lucas hung out with grandpa and daddy. Now that they are hooked on race cars, Paul took Lucas to NASCAR in Fontana and they had a good time.
Last week we took the boys to the snow for the day and they got their fill of intertubing. Kyle was Mr. Boss man and would tell us all how we were going to go down the slope and with who -- he would get very angry if we didn't follow his instructions. You had to be 7 to go down by yourself but of course by the end of the day he was going alone!
Check out the boys at the Shark Lagoon at the aquarium. Austin is very much into sharks and just completed his first oral book report on the Great White Shark, King of the Ocean! Go Austin! He lost his shark tooth necklace from Hawaii so Jeanette if you are reading this -- send us another shark tooth necklace!