Another School Year is Here!

So school has started and the first week has gone pretty well. Kyle started pre-K and was completely upset that he wasn't going to the big school (kindergarten) but he is now over that and happy with his new teacher. Note the flames on the tennis shoes (his choice) and I just noticed myself that I sent him to school on the first day in a tank top showing his temp tattoo! Oh well, third kid you know.
Lucas started 3rd grade of of course just jumped right back into the swing of things and was very happy to see all of his friends. He also got the teacher he was hoping for.
And then there is Austin who started 1st grade. I can't say that he likes it and I don't think he totally hates it so let's just say we are "adjusting." He has a wonderful teacher but the longer day is hard for him (he didn't realize it would take FOREVER to get out of school and wants to know why he has to go so long). Most of the time he just says "I don't want to talk about it." So, we'll see how next week goes. I think he will get into it a bit more but probably will never truly love school.
So, we're all sad summer is over and we had our last family fling in Palm Springs which was fun! Halloween is next on the agenda! By the way, did I mention we locked ourselves out of the house on the first day of school with no car keys??? Nice. Our neighbor had to drop us all off at school. Thank goodness the boys had their backpacks with them. Bye for now!
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